My bills and payments

While we don't provide sewerage services, we bill and collect charges for used water and surface water drainage on behalf of Anglian Water so that you only receive a single bill covering all your water services.

How your charges are worked out:

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The water volume charge is based on the water that passes through the meter. To work this out we multiply the amount you've used, in cubic metres (m3), by how much we charge for a cubic meter (£).

Did you know?
1 cubic meter is 1000 litres, around 12 baths full of water.


The water standing charge is a set charge that covers the cost of reading, maintaining and replacing the meter.

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The sewerage charge is based upon the principle that 90% of the water you use will be returned to the sewer, this is an allowance for activities like garden watering and car washing.

To calculate the sewerage volumetric charge, take 90% of how many cubic metres (m3) of water you have used, and multiply by how much Anglian Water charge for treating each cubic metre returned to the sewer.

If you think less than 90% of your water goes back to the sewer you could be entitled to a reduced sewerage charge. Find out more on the Anglian Water website.

Anglian Water makes a charge for collecting the rainwater that runs from properties into the sewer. It is called surface water drainage.

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