
Can for the Cam ‘Highly Commended’ at UKGBA 2024

Posted: 18 June 2024

Can for the Cam 'Highly Commended' at the UK Green Business Awards 2024Can for the Cam, our summer water-saving campaign for 2023 was ‘Highly Commended’ in the Behaviour Change Campaign category at the UK Green Business Awards.

The UK Green Business Awards recognises the most exciting, inspiring and innovative companies, projects and campaigns working to promote an economy that is sustainable, healthier and more prosperous for all.

Over 550 top green business leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, and campaigners gathered in central London for the second annual event where awards were presented across 27 different categories.

Launched last July, Can for the Cam aimed at reducing seasonal high demand in water by encouraging customers to switch to using a watering can rather than a hosepipe to help protect groundwater recourses and precious local chalk streams, including the River Cam.

An ordinary garden hose can use up to 1,000 litres of water an hour, the same as an average adult uses in a whole week. Compare that to using a watering can for one hour and you’d only use around 200 litres an hour.

Residents across Cambridge were encouraged to make the switch when watering their plants and washing their cars and thanks to an amazing collective effort, 940,000 fewer litres of water per day were used across the summer compared to normal summer rates.

We will be continuing to encourage water-saving behaviours for the summer ahead. More news on the next phase of our campaign will be released very soon.