Watering the lawn, cleaning the car, filling up paddling pools…it all adds up to a massive strain on our local water resources. A hose uses up to 1,000 litres an hour. That’s as much as an average adult uses in a week. And every single litre is high quality drinking water, taken from the same groundwater sources that supply Cambridgeshire’s chalk streams, including the Cam.
We Can for the Cam!
If we all switch our hose for a watering can, we’ll keep millions of litres in local streams. Can for the Cam this summer and you’ll not just be saving water, but helping protect habitats and wildlife for generations to come.
We’re doing our bit too
And while you’re doing your bit, here at Cambridge Water we’ll be doing ours – finding and fixing leaks as quickly as possible.
We’ve set ourselves an ambitious target of reducing leakage by 15% by 2025, and we’re well on the way to achieving it.
Have you ever wondered?