
Are you ready for winter?

Photo of a frozen tapAs temperatures start to drop,  make sure you're winter-ready to prevent water pipes from bursting in freezing conditions.

"Burst pipes are not just inconvenient – having cold water leak all over your home is expensive and can ruin treasured items. We’re advising customers to prepare for the cold weather now by taking a few simple steps to give their home a HUG."

Andy Willicott, managing director

Top tips

❄️ Heat your home
Don’t let your property get too cold. Set your thermostat to maintain a low level of heat throughout the night and while you are out during the day.

❄️ Understand your stop tap -
Make sure you know where your inside stop tap is, and how to turn it off, in case you need to turn your water off in an emergency.

❄️ Get lagging and insulate exposed pipes and tanks
Check that all cisterns, water tanks and exposed pipework are adequately insulated. Foam lagging can be purchased cheaply from DIY shops or online and simply snaps over exposed pipework or outside taps.” 

Andy added: 

"As well as advising customers to insulate their home to prevent frozen pipes, we also understand that winter can be a time when people struggle financially.

The important thing to remember is that we are here to help. We have a number of initiatives in place to help make bills more affordable and to give extra help for those who need it, so please get in touch."

Wrap up for winter

More advice on how to prepare for winter.

Graphic stating: Claim your free lagging kit

Posted: 26 November 2022