
Consultation deadline to help shape reservoir plans approaching

Image of leisure activities on a reservoirIn partnership with Anglian Water, we are calling on communities and stakeholders to submit their feedback and shape plans for a new reservoir in the Fens, before a consultation on the proposals closes on 21 December 2022.

The proposed reservoir, north of Chatteris and near the villages of Doddington and Wimblington, could supply enough water for a quarter of a million homes. It is planned to ensure there is sufficient water supply in response to a changing climate and population growth. It would also see less water taken from sensitive sources, helping to protect and restore the environment.

The  vision for the reservoir is to create spaces for wildlife, new recreational and educational activities and natural places for people to explore, alongside public water supply.

This consultation is the opportunity for people to help shape how the reservoir is developed. We are asking for comments on the proposed site for the reservoir, the features people would like to see from the reservoir, and any impacts people think it could create.

This feedback will help us develop the plans to keep any impacts as low as possible, while also making sure it becomes a place people will want to visit and enjoy.

The consultation opened on 12 October and has included a series of in-person events and online webinars. The project website contains full details of the proposals and an online feedback form.

With the consultation closing on 21 December, submit your feedback before the deadline.

“There’s been an excellent turn out to our consultation events and it’s been great to talk to members of the public and hear their views. We’ve already received hundreds of pieces of feedback, but we want to hear from everyone before the deadline for submission closes on Wednesday 21 December. It’s crucial now that people submit their feedback, either online or by writing to us.”

“Insight from local people helps us to understand the impacts and opportunities of the project. We appreciate the effect on homeowners, landowners and the nearby community. We’d like to hear a range of views on our emerging proposals.”

“The consultation is an opportunity to gather local knowledge on how the reservoir can best serve the region as a destination, as well as a water supply.

“Among many other things, communities have shown an interest in opportunities for access routes such as cycle paths, foot paths and bridle ways. They’ve also brought road use, effects in communities and locations of wider infrastructure to our attention as a priority consideration for them."

Dr Geoff Darch, Water Resources Strategy Manager for Anglian Water

Concept plan of the new reservoir

Fens Reservoir

Find out more about the planned new reservoir

Posted: 12 December 2022