Results for: draft determination

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Draft Determination response 2019

Draft Determination response 2019: Contents of submission

Draft Determination response 2019: Contents of submission


In-period draft determination response 2020/21

Response to draft determination of in-period outcome delivery incentives for 2020/21.


Our business plan - response to the Draft Determination

An update to Our business plan 2015-2020 in response to the Draft Determination issued by Ofwat.


Draft vulnerability strategy

WRMP24 - Draft WRMP template tables

Draft assurance plan 2023/24

Our draft assurance plan 2024-25

Draft Determination response 2019: PR19 draft determination representation tables

PR19-Business-plan-data-tables-DD Representation-submitted


Our draft water resources management plan - customer summary

Statement of Response to 2017 draft drought plan

Draft drought plan 2021 - Statement of response

Our draft water resources management plan

SSC34 South Staffs water revised draft WRMP24

Our draft water resources management plan for the South Staffs region


SSC35 Cambridge Water revised draft WRMP24

Our draft water resources management plan for the Cambridge region


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 5 Monte Carlo risk distributions

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 9 customer benefits and cost of debt

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 10 email from David Young

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 13 ESI summary report - Cookley

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 14 ESI summary report - Kinver

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 15 ESI summary report - Ashwood

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 16 groundwater source blend model

Draft Determination response 2019: DD Company representation pro-forma

Draft Determination response 2019: DD Developer Services Data Request narrative

Draft Determination response 2019: DD Developer Services Data Request

Draft Determination response 2019: PR19-18z -reflecting representation submitted-actual

Draft Determination response 2019: PR19-18z -reflecting representation submitted-notional

PR19-18z -reflecting representation submitted-notional


Draft WRMP 2024 - Revised February 2024

A revised draft of our Water Resources Management Plan (February 2024) which looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 6 SSC small company premium customer engagement

Appendix 6 SSC small company premium customer engagement


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 7 SSC small company premium customer engagement method statement

Appendix 7 SSC small company premium customer engagement method statement


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 8 UKCSI July 2018 benchmarking report

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 11 NERA report on leakage reduction funding

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 12 WRc treatability tests for groundwater containing chlorthal (Final) Camm

Appendix 12 WRc Treatability tests for groundwater containing chlorthal (Final) Camm


Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 17 IMTECH Chlorthal treatment options review

Draft Determination response 2019: Appendix 18 SSC PR19 DD risk and reward assurance

Draft Determination response 2019: Outcomes DD Representations Data Template_Final_SSC FINAL

Outcomes DD Representations Data Template_Final_SSC FINAL


Draft WRMP 2024 Statement of Response - Revised February 2024

A revised statement of response to our draft Water Resources Management Plan (February 2024) which looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Superseded - Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2025 - 2050 (1)

Our superseded draft Water Resources Management Plan which looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Superseded - Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2025 - 2050 (2)

Our superseded draft Water Resources Management Plan which looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Superseded - Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2025 - 2050

Our superseded draft Water Resources Management Plan which looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Statement of Response to dWRMP 2019

Statement of Response to draft WRMP 2019 - Cambridge region


WRMP24 - Appendix X




WRMP24 - Appendix H3

Water Resources East draft regional plan - demand forecast


WRMP24 - Appendix B17

Feedback on draft WRMP 2024 from the WRAP (Water Resources Advisory Panel)


WRMP24 - Draft WRMP BNG and NCA

WRMP24 - Draft WRMP WFD report

Water framework directive regulations compliance assessment report


Draft WRMP 2024 Statement of Response

This plan looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Revised Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2024

This plan looks at the predictions for water demand over the next 25 years, and what water supply is available to meet this demand.


Drought plan 2021 - statement of assurance

This document confirms that our draft drought plan does not contain any information that could pose a risk to national security interests or which is commercially confidential.
